What we do at sStitch

We're making mobile social interactions smoother and richer by automating a lot of the tasks you'd normally use a keyboard and mouse for.

There are two prototypes we've put up for friends to use.  While these are not complete by any means, you might find them useful.

2tagger A Flickr mashup for adding tags faster, use it today!

sStitch Our testbed for features, not terribly useful right now.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

First Post!

For the last couple months we've been experimenting, making prototypes, and messing around, and now it's time to take it to the next level and make things a bit more official.  We've settled on the name sStitch and a strategy (at least through May).  We'll be blogging our progress here...

1 comment:

Matthew Schultz said...

Cool....making this comment from the iPhone simulator after it laucned this page from a custom application! Dope!